A sexual desire comes from our bodies. Only one erectile sex organ (a phallus) can cause a person to have a desire to penetrate. Although women have the remains of a phallus, it is not able to penetrate another person. Nor is the clitoris erect and sensitive like the penis is. So that women don't experience an urge to penetrate. There is no physiological stimulus that motivates a woman to engage in any kind of sexual activity. A man admires a woman's ass because of her desire for penetration. But a woman never experiences an impulse that focuses on a man's pelvic region.
One person's sexual desire cannot cause a physiological response in another person. A man's impulse cannot cause a woman to have a complementary response. Nor can we have a biological urge for someone else to do something to us. If women had an urge to be penetrated by an erect penis, we would see them running around eager to impale themselves on the first erect penis they saw. Women don't do this. Instead, they are inclined to run in the opposite direction if they see an erect penis. This is because sexual intercourse involves little pleasure for women, but serious risks. Pregnancy is debilitating, childbirth can be fatal, and child rearing is costly.
No one can have an impulse to be penetrated by a penis or any other object. For example, a person's mouth or anus cannot have an impulse to be penetrated by a penis. There is also no attractive force that emanates from a vagina and is directed towards a dildo or penis. The only attractive force is from the erect penis (the aroused man's mind) to the vagina as a repository for his semen. Mental excitement makes the blood flow to the genitals and motivates a man to penetrate another person. Sensitive women experience tumescence, but no woman can impregnate someone else.
A homosexual man accepts anal penetration the same way a woman accepts vaginal penetration. There is satisfaction in providing a lover with the pleasure of penetration, as well as the reward of feeling appreciated and desired. Anal sex provides men with the added pleasure of prostate gland stimulation that women do not.
We can only have a sexual desire for an activity that we can control. A person must be able to act on a unit and get what he needs to satisfy it. Women cannot force a man to stimulate them vaginally. A woman may be able to arouse a man to want to have sex with her. But a woman cannot initiate sexual intercourse because it depends on male responses.
Although many men travel away from home for long periods, even when they have families, they never give a thought to their partner's needs in their absence. In fact, women's needs are for affection and companionship, which they often get from others. If women had a sexual desire, they would be the ones who would put obstacles in the way of men's freedom of movement. This has never happened in all of our social history.
Some female experts suggest that a woman can ask a man to give her a massage instead of sex. Or suggest that a woman can end sex when she gets tired. Women's ignorance of how a man experiences the sexual desire to see a woman's body contributes to successful reproduction. Women are pressured into sex (or raped) by men because they don't understand the strength of male sexual desire. An impulse is a strong urge to achieve penetration without any concern for the other person or the consequences. An impulse comes with a degree of urgency that cannot be ignored. The sex drive explains much of male aggression towards women.
A sex drive involves the need to get a sexual outlet whatever the challenges or consequences. This is why men pay for sex, why women are kidnapped and sold as sex slaves, and why women are raped. So the suggestion that the pill can increase women's enthusiasm for sex is evidence that men and women are different. Men have a sexual desire, regardless of whether reliable contraception is available. The survival of the human race depended on the persistence of male sexual desire. The shyness of most young women is incompatible with a sexual desire.
Men need to engage in sexual intercourse to release the feelings of sexual frustration that arise over time as a result of their regular arousal. It is unthinkable for a man to engage in sexual activity and walk away dissatisfied. Arousal ensures orgasm. Women never reach a state where orgasm becomes inevitable (even on their own). Women may experience personal frustration because of the.